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Tandy 1000 Stuff

tandyco.zip (Readme) - Enable composite color mode (colorburst) on Tandy 1000 and 1000A PCs (and perhaps others) by running a .COM file (presumably in autoexec.bat), instead of having to press F12 during boot-up.

xtide-r624-xt-v1-card-full-mode-1k-with-padding.bin - XTIDE r624 BIOS image 16k-padded and pre-configured for a Tandy 1000RL with an XTIDE Rev 1 card. The Pre-configured R566 bios on Lo-tech's wiki for Tandy 1000RLs is configured for a XT-CF XTIDE card. That will not work for XTIDE Rev 1 based cards like the XT-IDE CF Optima that you may have picked up on eBay. If you have an XT-IDE Rev 1 card that you want to use with a Tandy 1000RL, try this XTIDE image. It is configured not to interfere with the Tandy 1000RL's audio and video routines.

Tandy Computer Pictures

Tandy CM-11 v2 (Sharp tube) CGA/RGBI Monitor Internals
Tandy 1000RL Computer